Kairn ♥️ Slack

Keep track of your tasks across Slack, and update your team in no time

Turn any message into a task

Messages are left forgotten in Slack? Turn them into tasks in one click with our integration. They'll be labeled as Slack tasks in Kairn, and include the link to reopen the right message ✅

Send task updates on Slack

Update your team where they are. Share tasks from Kairn to any Slack contact, they'll receive an interactive message directly on Slack and get updates as things progress.

People are loving Kairn!

eFounders loves Kairn

I love how I can click on a task’s Notion link directly from Kairn. It saves me from searching everywhere and auto updates. Kairn frees up precious time in my day.

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Sarah Barron

Content Ops Manager

Collective loves Kairn

I use Kairn everyday to balance the day with all projects and share priorities with the team.


Rémi Lauer

Lead Growth

actiondesk loves Kairn

Kairn helps me stay on top of every thing I need to do in a simple and efficient manner

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Louis Adam

Chief of Staff

Unflow loves Kairn

Between calls, follow ups, and random ideas that pop into my head as the day goes on, Kairn has become my must have to keep busy days organised.


Romy Lynch

Co-founder & CEO

Foodcheri loves Kairn

With Kairn, we’ve centralized the team's tasks and it’s made our discussions and priorities more structured. Boards and views help us ensure an exceptional level of service to our internal and external customers.

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Laurent Partouche

Head of Product & CS

Trusty loves Kairn

Your OPT + CMD + K has simply changed my life.


Edouard Peyruseigt

Co-founder & CEO

Staycation loves Kairn

I've been using Kairn for months and it's become a must have in my day to keep everything in check


Mathieu Dugast


Clef de Voute loves Kairn

Kairn has become the crucial app I open in the morning to start and structure my day.


Timothé Frin

Podcast Host